
You can find plenty of information about brokerage companies on the Internet. It is easy to find details about any trading platform you’re interested in. Experienced traders know that you should never put your money in something you don’t understand. The global market is competitive, and you should equip yourself with reliable knowledge to get ahead.  

Novice traders see trading as gambling. They invest without understanding the market or the trading platform they’re using. They don’t know why prices rise or fall. They make predictions with guesswork. Then they cross their fingers and hope they’ll get lucky. If that’s your approach to trading, you’re willfully throwing your money down the drain. To get into trading, you need to make an investment strategy based on genuine knowledge instead of a gut feeling or hearsay.

Even after trading for many years, the changing trading circuit continues to amaze me. Back in the day, investors used to go to stock exchange buildings to buy and sell assets. But now, someone with a laptop or smartphone can trade anywhere in the world from the comfort of their home. All they need to do is to sign up on an online trading platform. Trading platforms are getting popular around the world because they provide ease of access. Many trading platforms keep popping up, and it can be daunting to choose one for your trading journey.

Even though online trading platforms are much more accessible and easier to use than their conventional counterparts, they come with drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is scam servers. It is very important to be careful and check the security regulations of a trading platform before using it. Carter-Williams is an online brokerage company that is vigilant about security concerns. In addition, their advanced technological tools and numerous options for tradable assets sets them apart from other brokerage companies.

Streamlined User Interface

Carter-Williams has a user-friendly interface. When you click on their website, you will be directed to the landing page set against a distinct backdrop. I personally think the theme does not suit the trading platform. But they include all the necessary information in a comprehensive manner. The categories are helpful in navigating through the platform. The layout is clean and straightforward. The design makes the Carter-Williams platform easy to use without overwhelming beginner level traders.

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I was impressed that the Carter-Williams incorporates the basic framework of a trading platform. Some trading platforms include too many features that can end up confusing the users. Novice traders will find that the learning curve is easy to overcome with this platform. Once you get a hold of the service options, it is easy to use the rest of the platform. This is because of the well-aligned interface of Carter-Williams, You can then move on to related pages like Trading Platform, Account types, Education Centre, and Other Info.

Security Regulations

I was apprehensive of online trading platforms for a while, ever since I ran into spam servers. Not only did I lose sensitive information on these servers, but I also had to renew most of my lost documentation, which was an added effort of registering complaints. This is why I make sure to get a detailed account of the security regulations on a trading platform before opting for it. With Carter-Williams, I did not have to worry about the risks of trading in the global market as they managed to acquaint me with their security policies. This trading platform goes the extra mile to assure its clients, which is why they are quite transparent when it comes to disclosing their security policies.

Safety and Security

I was reckless with online trading when I first started out. As a consequence, I encountered spam servers. I lost sensitive information, registered a ton of complaints, and had to renew most of my lost documentation. I learned the hard way to always get detailed information of the security regulations of the trading platform I want to use. Carter-Williams provides me with enough information about their security policies and regulations to ease my mind. I found them transparent and reliable. I was also impressed by their customer service which they relay effectively to their clients.

After I was satisfied with the security regulations, I went ahead and signed up to the platform. To sign up, you need to provide your email address and full name. They send you an email verification link in your inbox. The link directs you to the next step of the verification process that asks for your government-issued ID. They may take some time to verify your ID, but I didn’t mind because I was satisfied with their guidelines and security protocols.

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You can find the terms and conditions for trading on the Carter-Williams platform by scrolling down to the Legal section on their main page. A disclaimer at the end of the page makes sure that the clients are aware of the risks of online trading, even with Contract for Differences (CFD). Carter-Williams monitors all the transactions that take place on its platform to oversee and prevent any complications.

Convenient-to-Use Tools

A chart is a tool I extensively use in trading platforms. They help you make trading reports quickly and help you analyze the current trends of the market. You can choose the style of the chart you prefer. I like to use the line chart because I think it is easy to interpret. The chart has a custom setting panel. You can use it for zooming in and out. You can also choose the colours you want and flag respective positions with chart indicators. The only thing I want them to add is a wider range ofcolours. Most of the colours overlap, which can sometimes make the chart tricky to interpret.

I think Carter-Williams has many useful and easy-to-use tools. They are well-integrated within the platform and come with instructions. They will help novice traders get comfortable trading on this platform. The layout of the tools is also streamlined. It has a unique touch that I liked compared to other trading platforms.

Learning Resources

Carter-Williams is one of the online trading platforms that can also help you learn about trading in general as well. They understand how important it is for novice traders to keep learning about the art of trading. They offer eBooks on the subject on their website. They also have a Glossary which enlists a comprehensive amount of information on trading. They select useful FAQs as well. You can find almost all the answers to the queries that come up in your mind in their FAQ section. You have a wide range of options to learn from. I felt that the platform should add more information and update it. They are very responsive to feedback, so I hope that they do more on this front.

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Other than that, they sort their list of Glossary and Assets in alphabetic order so you can easily scroll down to your required option. I would have preferred had they introduced a search engine as it would really help in searching the required terminology or asset index. The asset index details more about the asset which I found really helpful as you get information such as the expiry rule and the trade hours while you scroll through.

Customer Support

I mentioned earlier that Carter-Williams has good customer support. Not only that, but they also make it easier for customers to approach them. They provide a ranger of options for contacting them to accommodate all kinds of customers. So, if you are not comfortable speaking on the phone, you can choose the live chat option. The support team can communicate with you in real-time. You can also always leave an email. I have always found that the service operators could answer my queries, and I was satisfied with their response. I believe that the support team are all experienced brokers that understand the market. They were able to grasp and answer all my trade-related inquiries. 

However, at certain times of the day, you might face some delays in the communication process. This may be because of heavy traffic on the platform. When I come across this issue, I go for an email. After sending them an email, you will immediately receive a queue number in your inbox. After that, your query will be answered as soon as possible. The trading platform makes customers’ problems a priority. You can rest assured that you will always get a response in an appropriate amount of time.

Final thoughts

Carter-Williams has made a name for itself in the market. It offers a remarkable trading experience that will appeal to both old times and beginner level traders. I am satisfied with most of the features that the platform offers and the experience has helped me build my profile. I believe that this trading platform will help you grow as a trader and help you learn valuable tips and tricks to become a successful trader.

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