When you’re older, it can be challenging to live alone. You may be less mobile and more prone to fall or get sick. But there are steps you can take to make your home safer, stay healthy, and keep from feeling lonely. In this article, we’ll explore some things that can help older adults live comfortably at home on their own.

Keep a Daily Routine

It’s crucial to establish a daily routine. You can do this by ensuring that you have regular routines and sticking to them, such as going for a walk or cooking the same meal each weeknight. When you create a routine, it helps with your daily organization and makes things easier on you.

It’s also important to try not to have too many tasks, so they don’t overwhelm you. It can be difficult when there are many things to do in one day, but they all need to be done immediately because they are due tomorrow or later in the week. If something needs to be done sooner than later, prioritize it over other tasks on your list, so it gets completed before anything else.

Do Something Social Every Day

Do something social every day. Older adults who live alone often say that the most challenging part about living alone is the lack of human contact and interaction. If you are living alone, you need to make an effort to interact with people daily. You can do this in person or online. Talking with family members and friends, chatting with neighbors and co-workers, or even talking to your pets can help keep loneliness at bay.

If you prefer going solo without interacting with others, consider joining a club or group that interests you for indoor entertainment or volunteering for an organization like Meals on Wheels. You’ll get to spend time helping others in need.

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Consider hiring someone who will come over once a week just to chat and hang out—a friendly visit from someone who isn’t family (like a neighbor) will help ensure that your friendships remain healthy while giving them a sense of purpose!

Seek External Help

As we age, our needs change. If you live alone and are 65 or older, it’s crucial to have access to people who can provide help when needed.

Seek help from family and friends. If you don’t have family nearby, it may be hard for them to check in on you regularly. Make plans with your loved ones so they know how often they should visit or call you.

As an older adult, you may need to attend the clinic regularly. It is not wise to travel alone if the clinic is distant from your location. You can’t also bother your neighbors with every visit. Consider non-emergency medical transport services for doctor visits. Competent staff will accompany you, guaranteeing that you are not alone, and can also assist you with wheelchairs and other such amenities.

Ask for help from senior centers. Senior centers offer recreation programs and classes that can enrich the lives of lonely adults. They also provide transportation services that facilitate socialization opportunities outside the home.

Reach out to local government agencies. Some cities offer senior services such as nutrition programs, transportation services, adult day care centers, home health aides, and more—all at no cost!

Plan For Emergencies

As an older adult living alone, planning for emergencies is essential.

  • Keep a phone in the bathroom. If you’re bathing or grooming yourself and feel dizzy or faint, you need to be able to call 911 immediately.
  • Have a phone charger in every room of your house—even if it’s just a charging cord and no actual phone—so that you can always speak with someone if needed and your cell phone doesn’t run out of battery power unexpectedly.
  • Ensure that the phones in your house work even during power failures (e.g., during storms). You may want to invest in a backup generator and other types of emergency lighting and equipment. So that you’ll be prepared for any situation involving electrical failure or damage from natural disasters like flooding or fire damage from broken windows due to wind gusts caused by hurricanes/tornadoes/rare dust storms (these happen).
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Eat Healthy Foods and Exercise Regularly

The best way to avoid health problems as you age is to take care of yourself. This means eating healthy foods and getting exercise regularly. Healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy products. Unhealthy foods include candy bars, soda pop, processed meats, and fast foods high in fat and salt. 

Exercise helps you stay fit by strengthening muscles and bones so they can support your weight better when you move around daily or do strenuous activities like gardening or yard work. This will also help lower blood pressure (which can become more difficult with age) and reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, which lowers the risk for heart disease, as well as improve circulation throughout the body, helping prevent infections such as colds/flu’s from spreading quickly through our systems!

Getting enough sleep is also essential because it allows us time off from our busy lives where we’re constantly moving around all day long without taking breaks until finally collapsing into bed at night exhausted only to realize we’ve still got work tomorrow morning.

Make Your Home Safer

If you live alone, it’s essential to make your home safer. Here are some tips:

  • Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Install a fire extinguisher in the kitchen or near the fireplace or wood stove.
  • Install a fire escape ladder next to your bedroom window, if possible. If you have pets who sleep in your room, this may not be an option for you – talk to a professional before installing one!
  • Put together a first aid kit with bandages, gauze pads, and antibacterial ointment; snakebite kit; insect sting kit; tweezers; pocketknife (for splinters), scissors (for tape removal); flashlight with batteries and bulb replacement instructions. 
  • Wear a whistle with a lanyard around your neck, so it’s always handy in case of emergency; a thermometer/waterproof watch so that you’re aware of time while also keeping track of body temperature if needed during illness – these are just some examples from what could go into such a kit which should be customized according to each person’s needs!
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Living Alone Does Not Have to Be Lonely

Living alone can be lonely at times. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s essential to stay connected with your friends and family, but even more so, it’s vital to stay connected with other people in your community.

You should try and make plans with others as often as possible (you can meet up for coffee or a walk around the block). And don’t forget about yourself! You should try to make time for yourself every day, so you don’t get stressed out by your responsibilities. Remember that self-care will help you feel better about yourself and care for others.


We hope these tips help you enjoy the benefits of living alone. Remember that there are always things to do and people to be with, no matter how old or young you are. If you’re feeling lonely, check out our list of activities for older adults who live alone for some ideas on how to keep yourself busy!

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