
The wealth of information available online regarding brokerage companies is immense. You can easily tap to get a detailed account of these trading platforms. But how are you to presume which one is more reliable? You see as a trader; you cannot focus too narrowly on only one aspect of the trading game. The competition in the global market can leave you astounded if you are not equipped enough to handle it. I am a firm believer in the fact that trading launches a journey that can most often wind up at a destination that was not anticipated at the starting line.

One thing that attests to this fact is how neophytes continue to try their hand in the market casino each year hoping to get lucky. While some may hit that beginner’s luck, others not so much, for they end up walking away poorer and a little wiser. Trading in the global market is not a child’s play, and you cannot just count on throwing money at securities without making sense of why prices rise higher or fall lower. To know all of this information requires you to study the market and develop ideas and concepts on your own for these, then become your investment strategies.

The way the trading circuit continues to change still surprises me. There was a time when investors were required to go all the way to the stock exchange in order to buy and sell assets. But today, sitting at home, anyone can trade in the world market. This can be managed by signing up on online trading platforms. These platforms are designed to provide ease of access to traders from around the world, and their demand continues to increase. Today there are so many trading platforms out there that it becomes almost impossible to make a sound choice.

I have had my own fair share of experiences with these online trading platforms and have been the victim of scam servers as well. This is why I am extremely careful while choosing trading platforms and make sure to test their security regulations before proceeding. I have been associated with a trading platform for the past two years now, and it has certainly made things easier for me. ManCapitalGroup is an online brokerage company looking to level-up the current trading scene with its advanced technological tools and variable options for tradable assets.

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ManCapitalGroup has set its interface to be user friendly. When I access the website, I am directed to the main page, which is set against a distinct backdrop. I did not personally like the theme they have chosen for the server, but they make sure to accommodate all information within the design itself. The platform has information categorized under headings to make the layout simple and straightforward. Not only does this avoid clutter on the main page itself, but it also helps direct new traders directly to the related pages. ManCapitalGroup has engineered the server with innovative technology so as to integrate graphic designs which make the platform more engaging and interactive.

I am a trader who enjoys the mainstream trading platform layout, which is why I was pleasantly surprised with the way ManCapitalGroup ensures that the basic framework stays in place. There are trading platforms today that divulge in innovative features so much so that you end up lost trying to find your way through. This is especially with respect to beginner level traders who are still surfing through to find credible trading platforms. Once you have the service options, you can easily find your way through, which is why the well-aligned interface of ManCapitalGroup comes in handy. You can access the related pages such as Trading Platform, Account types, Education Centre and Other Info.

Security Regulations

I was apprehensive of online trading platforms for a while, ever since I ran into spam servers. Not only did I lose sensitive information on these servers, but I also had to renew most of my lost documentation, which was an added effort of registering complaints. This is why I make sure to get a detailed account of the security regulations on a trading platform before opting for it. With ManCapitalGroup, I did not have to worry about the risks of trading in the global market as they managed to acquaint me with their security policies. This trading platform goes the extra mile to assure its clients, which is why they are quite transparent when it comes to disclosing their security policies.

Once I was satisfied with the security regulations, I decided to sign up onto this platform. The only information that they require for registration is your email address and full name, and they make sure to verify each of them. For email verification, the process is quite simple, as you only have to click on the link sent to your inbox. This will direct you to the next step of the verification process, where you will be required to provide a government-issued identity card. It can take some time for them to verify the documentation, but I was satisfied with the guidelines in place as they make sure that no market law is being violated.

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The stringent verification process by ManCapitalGroup helps put the security protocols in place. Clients are well aware of the terms and conditions for trading on this platform as they can access this information by scrolling down to the Legal section from the main page itself. You will notice that there is a disclaimer present at the end of the page itself, which is to ensure that customers are aware of the risks of online trading even with Contract for Differences (CFD). Nevertheless, the platform monitors all transactions to ensure smooth trade operations on all accounts.

Advanced Tools

I find the chart to be the most essential tool on online trading platforms as they help you make trade reports quickly. The current scenario of the market can be evaluated through this chart. You can set the type of chart according to your preference. I personally prefer the line chart as I find it easier to interpret. Other than that, the chart has options to zoom in and out from its custom setting panel. You can flag respective positions using chart indicators. I would have appreciated had they offered more range in colours in the indicators, for I felt most of them overlapped with each other, making them hard to pick apart at times.

Overall, the platform manages to integrate the tools quite well, and they are easy to use. Beginner traders would appreciate more instructive tools to help guide their way through this platform. I found the layout of the tools quite unique in comparison to other trading platforms I have been associated with.

Education Centre

ManCapitalGroup knows how important learning the art of trading is for novice traders, which is why they have managed to resource various means of information for their clients. From eBooks to the Glossary, you will have information regarding trading readily available. It doesn’t matter what learning style you are used to as the range of options varies. You can even learn from the selective FAQs that have been lined up. These Frequently Asked Questions make it much easier for you to clear out your queries regarding certain issues. I personally found them to be really informative and liked the fact that they categorized the questions into different lists to make them easier to access. However, once you go through all this information, you will want to read more, which is where the platform lacks, for it does not refresh the information with time. I hope that they do more on that account, for they take feedback really well and make sure to accommodate their clients in every way.

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Client Support

ManCapitalGroup understands how essential it is for it to have stable grounds of communication with its clients. This is why it makes sure to provide a range of options in order to accommodate all types of traders. So, if you are someone who is apprehensive of speaking on the phone, you can always opt for the live chat option. I for one found it to be very effective in getting my point across, and the service operators were able to answer all my queries. The reason that they are able to understand all trade-related problems is that they are all brokers that have considerable experience in this industry.

There are certain times of the day when the mode of communication might face delays, and this is mostly due to heavy traffic on the platform. I use the email option whenever I face this issue and receive a queue number immediately in my inbox. The platform takes the problems of their clients well into consideration and makes sure that all their queries are answered in due time.

Final thoughts

ManCapitalGroup is a platform that is building a top-notch reputation for itself in the market with its incredible trading experience. I have been able to make the most of this platform’s service features and build my profile. Traders striving to become better should give this platform a chance, for it will definitely help them grow as a trader.

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