People cut the cord and switch to the IPTV/OTT platform, while companies inspired by Netflix’s success tend to create their own platforms. They design these services and share content for various purposes: from achieving an expert status to having another project to develop.

In this article, we will talk about why people like IPTV/OTT platforms anyway.  

People will be interested in your content

Having your own IPTV/OTT platform today is a trend. More often people consider buying from those companies that deliver their values with their services and products. 

Content will help you build strong relationships with your customers. Watching your videos, they will understand that you are an expert in your sphere. They will trust you more due to that. 

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What is more, after watching several videos, they will feel that they know you and your values. Some of them will like you. It means that viewers will tend to buy from you as we usually address a person or brand that we know and like.

But don’t forget to carefully choose an IPTV video transcoding solution for your platform. 

Users will be able to watch your videos on any device

Unlike cable or satellite TV, OTT/IPTV platform providers develop apps for all devices: Smart TVs, tablets, laptops, and smartphones. You don’t need to invest in IPTV/OTT development, as some of these companies have already built the solutions for other devices, for example OTT software development from Setplex.

According to researchers, worldwide mobile traffic reached more than 55% in January 2022, while desktop traffic took 42%. 

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It means that smartphones are more popular than desktops, and people use them more often. It also means that having an OTT/IPTV app is beneficial. There are more chances that you have more traffic if you offer an app to download. 

Customers will appreciate the personalization features

IPTV/OTT platforms are usually equipped with functionality for personalization that users do like. For example, a recommendation feed feature takes into account the consumer’s previously watched videos, their genre, category, and other characteristics. 

Artificial Intelligence offers videos similar to those that a user has already viewed. It analyzes all information about those videos and creates recommendations. 

Users like to have their profiles personalized. It refers not only to recommendations but also to such features as a personal watchlist or pop-ups. 

Personalization functionality saves users’ time and effort, wasted searching for new videos to watch. 

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Customers will appreciate the accessibility of your platform

Along with multi-platform capabilities, IPTV/OTT platforms are easy to access. It depends on the monetization model you choose: ad-based, subscription-based, or transaction-based. 

If you prefer users to purchase the subscription, they will purchase a subscription once a month. They will forget about ads or renewing the subscription because a further fee is often charged automatically. 

If you choose to make your platform ad-based, customers don’t even need to pay. Instead of purchasing, they will watch ads. Advertisements and SSAI are what will bring you revenue. 

Transaction-based platforms allow customers to access a single video for a fee. 


These four reasons are general ideas that make IPTV/OTT platforms convenient to use. People switch to Internet-based services as they are available via devices that almost everybody has today. And the Internet delivers information in a moment. 

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