High blood pressure or hypertension is the “silent killer” for a good reason because it often has no symptoms but can cause a significant risk of heart disease and stroke.

Blood pressure is calculated in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It has two measurements:

  • Systolic Blood Pressure

These are the top number that symbolizes the pressure force when your heart forces blood into the arteries throughout the rest of your body.

  • Diastolic Blood Pressure

These are the bottom number that represents the pressure in your blood vessels between beats when your heart is loading and relaxing.

Blood pressure relies on the amount of blood your heart pumps and blood flow resistance in your arteries. Naturally, the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure will measure.

Here are some of the most effective ways for reducing high blood pressure:

Increase Activity and Exercise 

An analysis of 65 studies indicates that light activity and exercises can help control high blood pressure. Daily exercise for about 30 to 40 minutes is enough to keep your heart healthy. 

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You can increase your activity level through:

  • Using the stairs instead of elevators 
  • Walking where possible instead of driving
  • Performing household chores
  • Gardening
  • Bike ride
  • Playing a sport

A review on exercise and lowering blood pressure discovered that many exercise combinations could lower blood pressure, including

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Resistance training
  • High-intensity interval training
  • Walking 10,000 steps a day

Lose Weight if Overweight

Losing 5 to 10 pounds can lower your blood pressure if you have excess weight. This way, you will reduce your risk of other possible medical problems.

A review of multiple studies reports that weight loss lowered blood pressure by an average of 3.2 mm Hg diastolic and 4.5 mm Hg systolic measurements.

Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates

Studies show that limiting sugar and refined carbohydrates can assist you in losing weight and lowering your blood pressure. Another advantage of low carb, low sugar diet is that you feel fuller longer because you consume more protein and healthy fat.

Consume More Potassium and Less Sodium

Increasing your potassium intake and avoiding salt can reduce your blood pressure. Moreover, potassium is a double winner as it relieves the impacts of salt in your body and eases tension in your blood vessels. However, potassium-rich diets may be detrimental to people with kidney disease, so talk with your physician before increasing its intake. 

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Quit Smoking

It can be challenging to do, but it is worth it for your health. Quitting smoking is suitable for your all-around health. Smoking generates a quick but temporary increase in your blood pressure and an upsurge in your heart rate.

A study showed that nonsmokers had lower blood pressure than people who smoke regularly. 

Reduce Excess Stress

Stress has adverse effects on your health. It can increase your blood pressure and ruin your quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to try stress-reducing exercising and free yourself from excess tension. This way, you can have promising health and happy life. 

Take Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has been shown to reduce blood pressure if it has up to 60% to 70% of cacao.

Studies showed that eating one to two squares of dark chocolate per day may lower the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and inflammation. These benefits are considered to derive from the flavonoids in dark chocolate. 

Try Medicinal Herbs

Herbal medicines have been used in many cultures for a long time to treat various ailments. Some herbs have been proved to lower blood pressure. However, more research is still required to determine the proper doses and components of all herbs. 

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Following is the list of plants and herbs that are used by cultures:

  • Black Bean
  • cat’s claw
  • Celery juice 
  • Chinese hawthorn 
  • Gingerroot
  • Giant dodder 
  • Indian Plantago
  • Maritime pine bark
  • River lily 
  • Roselle 
  • Sesame oil 
  • Tomato extract 
  • Tea 
  • Umbrella tree bark

Sleep Properly

Your blood pressure naturally drops down while sleeping, and if you do not sleep properly, it can impact your blood pressure.

People with sleep deprivation, primarily middle-aged, have an increased risk of hypertension.

For some people, getting a good night’s sleep is challenging. The following ways can help you get restful sleep:

  • Follow a regular sleep schedule.
  • Relax before bedtime.
  • Exercise in the daytime.
  • Avoid taking any daytime naps.
  • Make your bedroom cozy.

A study found that sleeping fewer than 7 hours a night and more than 9 hours a night was linked to an increased rate of high blood pressure. Moreover, sleeping less than 5 hours a night can create a significant risk of long-term high blood pressure.

These tips can help people bring down elevated blood pressure. However, it is always better to consult professionals for better guidance. Book an appointment with the best Cardiologist in Islamabad through Marham for more information. 

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